05 - Formcarry Contact Form

May 15, 2020

WARNING: This post is over a year old. Some of the information this contains may be outdated.

DISCLAIMER: Any 3rd-party services in these posts and in the config are only recommendations/suggestions. I am not affiliated with any of them.

Register on Formcarry and get your Formcarry ID. Then go to config.php and add your ID under the services key.

Go to source/_assets/js/contact.js and change fakeSend(contactForm) to send(contactForm) in the lines shown below.

e.target.elements['submit'].disabled = true;

    .then((response) => {
        notyf.success('Your message has been sent.');

And finally, remove this line.

const fakeSend = () => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000));

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