08 - Cloudinary Media Library

May 18, 2020

WARNING: This post is over a year old. Some of the information this contains may be outdated.

DISCLAIMER: Any 3rd-party services in these posts and in the config are only recommendations/suggestions. I am not affiliated with any of them.

Register on Cloudinary.

Go to config.php, add your cloud name and API key under the services key.

Now you can use the media() helper in your Blade templates to easily reference files in your Cloudinary library.

<img src="{{ media('logo.png') }}">
<!-- is the same as -->
<img src="https://res.cloudinary.com/YOURCLOUDNAME/logo.png">

Cloudinary is also integrated into Netlify CMS. To ensure that this works, make sure your browser isn't blocking any cookies from Cloudinary.

Netlify CMS integration

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